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These murals are conceived for each specific place of performance and considering the spatiality of the surface to paint, the logistics applied to execute the work and the resources that can be obtained on site.

The final content of this artistic intervention is always the result of what the client wants (physical owner of the surface) over what I seek (the artist) and always It's designed and thought to favorably interact with the transit users. Harmony, balance, bright colors, detail and projections are always present in the project and over the execution work. As a result, the mural surface ends full of meaning, messages, symbolism and cohesion.


The main difference between this one of a kind murals with the rest is that each one of my murals is created by thinking in the people and the city in wich are going to be placed in order to create a real communication between the hand made art work and the community who support it. Also, this connection has been proved be the best anti graffiti protection that a mural can have, because if the people recognize aside the beauty, all the hard work, and the positive messages that are allocated all over their city into the art work, then, they will incorporate this into his community.


Murales pensados para cada lugar específico de ejecución y considerando la espacialidad del soporte, las logísticas aplicadas para poder ejecutar la obra y los recursos que se puedan obtener en el lugar.

El contenido final de la intervención siempre es el resultado de lo que quiere el cliente, (dueño físico del soporte) más lo que busco yo (el artista) y siempre están concebidos y pensados para interactuar favorablemente con los usuarios que la transiten. La armonía, el equilibrio, el detalle, los colores brillantes y las proyecciones están presentes tanto en el proyecto como en la ejecución de la obra. Como resultado la superficie del mural se deja cargada de sentido, mensajes, simbolismo y cohesión.


La principal diferencia que separa estos murales del resto es que cada una de estas obras es creada y diseñada pensando en las personas y la ciudad que la rodea, lo cual plantea una comunicación directa entre los usuarios de la misma, que son los que le dan soporte, y la obra de arte. A su vez, este vínculo a probado ser la mejor protección anti vandalismo que un mural puede tener, dado que si las propias personas que por allí transitan reconocen amén de la propia belleza, todo el fino trabajo y los positivos mensajes que hay proyectados dentro de su propia ciudad en esta obra de arte, ellos incorporan la misma dentro de su comunidad.

Murals, exterior, interior, paintings, handmaded, decoration, miami, florida
More than 17 years of experience in the field of arts, I am dedicated to make custom works in a unique approach.

"High quality in a holistic manner".
Art murals, signs, designs, paintings, installations, symbolism, portraits, for interior designers, for home staging.

Interior and exterior, anywhere you like, excellent service, photomontage preview included, free estimates.

Two stages mural: detail of the creation of Adam (step 1), + recognition of my teachers in the form of silver medallions and myself painting the entire scene (step 2).


Mural de dos etapas: detalle de la creación de Adán (etapa 1) + el reconocimiento a mis maestros en forma de medallones plateados y a mí mismo pintando toda la escena (etapa 2).

Otros Años
Galería Mariño
paintings, murals, customportraits, signature, marinolarrique, miami, florida, exterior, interior, portraits, decoration, lanscapes, signs

Romantic view of the Montevideo city where his icon buildings has been idealized in an harmonious way, in which reveals the most important of our land, their water ... At the same time, my thinker; he contemplates the whole situation from above and have a tap in his hand and.

Message: The man have the opportunity of dosing water, our water, the people's water...


Visión romántica de la ciudad de Montevideo donde sus íconos edilicios se encuentran de forma idealizada y armónica en la que se deja ver lo más importante de nuestra tierra, su agua... A la vez, mi pensador; el tiene una canilla en su mano y contempla toda la situación desde lo alto.

Mensaje: El hombre tiene la oportunidad de dosificar el agua, nuestra agua, la de todos...

Baltimore we want to see


ART@WORK: Summer Art Program, leading artist. This pictures refer to the larger part of this project connecting 8 front stores. The intention here was to expose positive and powerful messages based on a holistic view of the spot where we installed the mural. Due to its size, this large format allowed us to think big with the design concept and fully utilize the space. It contains a lot of messages and actions, but it ultimately depicts the community rising again using a powerful message above all: The Baltimore we are looking forward to see in the future.

















































A few images present in this part of the mural:

- Baltimore sign been built. The message: We are building the new Baltimore, the Baltimore we want to see.
- All the silhouettes depicted in this mural were based on pictures that we took of us. We - the young people that worked with me (the future of this community), the interns that worked with me, some of the people from the Upton community, and myself - made our way into the design. The message: We are all shaping the future of this city by taking action in the present.
- Almost all of the silhouettes are picking up trash with a grabber and placing it in the right place: the garbage can. Misplaced trash is a perennial presence on the 1800 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, and indeed on many streets in Baltimore. The message is simple but powerful: we cannot change the future if we do not learn to face and deal with the conditions in which we are living right now. I came to the city only one week before this project started, and as I always do I picked up all the trash I could as I went about my business. On the block where the mural was installed, I found more than 20 needles among other things like alcohol bottles and beer cans. This type of refuse is visible every day for children and adults alike to endure. Again, our primary hope is that people put garbage where it belongs: the trash can. In the eyes of the mural team, anyone can do with their life as they please, but the children and youths are the hope and future of the community, and we need to take care of it for them. We need to take action. If we do not do it, nobody will do it.
- The fist on a hill made of little houses. The message: The strength of the community comes from the the unity of the people who live in it.
- The welcome sign made by silhouettes with cheerleader letters. The message: we are welcoming all to the community.

A warmer welcome, a welcome made of us.
- All the skin colors are cyan. The message: to us, we all are all people and we are all a part of the future of the community, regardless of the color of our skin.
- The flying and parachuting merchandise. The meaning: cellphones, wigs, and appliances, represent just a few of the things stores on the avenue are offering to the users. The inclusion of these items in the design are in order to enhance the specific storefront of each business for potential customers.

Baltimore continuity
Montevideo as a model city 01

Designed mural in order to inform and teaching through the projection. An idealized bird's eye Montevideo perspective in a near future where it can find town reminiscences, urban proposals, supported technological seeks, and exemplary actions sought by user's behavior and by the state itself. In this mural to imagine and to create a universe in which all the users think and give in pro of all. Each color have its meaning: cyan is all the nature, magenta is the air, gray is urban or concrete, yellow (water = gold), and white belongs to the state itself.



Mural pensado con el fin de informar y brindar enseñanza a través de la proyección.Una visión idealizada con perspectiva a vuelo de pájaro de Montevideo en un futuro cercano donde a parte de una reminiscencia de la ciudad se encuentran propuestas urbanísticas, busquedas de apoyo en lo tecnológico y acciones buscadas por una conducta ejemplar tanto por los usuarios como por el estado pretendiendo románticamente crear un universo en el cual todos damos y pensamos en pro de todos. Cada color tiene su significado: el cian es lo natural, magenta el aire, gris lo urbano o concreto, amarillo el (agua = oro) y el blanco pertenece al estado.

Montevideo as a model city 02

Featured furnitures coming into the store. Also, futuristic bird's eye perspective where can be finded urban modifications in Reducto, Capurro and Montevideo's harbor. These proposals, some real and some ideals, enrich and reveals the enormous potential of our estuary once purified its energy zone. The refinery becomes in another energy zone, a wind farm. The coastal strip it's loaded of programatic content and re-emerge the fast passengers train with the arrival in the city. Many situations happen in this new "Montevideo as a model city". I invite you to find them using these key sentences: The River of Silver or River Plate; the train arriving; the distribution chain of ambientes furniture; the drive-in cinema; the access triquel; my marriage; the solar energy paddle boat; the Island Park; the reform of Rondeau Street; the new Capurro's sand beach; and the reformulation and reorganization of the harbor with the help of logic and technology.


Perspectiva futurista a vuelo de pájaro donde se dejan ver modificaciones urbanísticas de las zonas de reducto, capurro y el puerto montevideano, unas reales y otras ideales, estas propuestas resaltan y enriquecen el potencial enorme de nuestro estuario una vez purificado, donde se convierte una zona de energía como la refinería actual, en otra zona de energía como lo es un parque eólico. Se carga de contenido la faja costera y resurge el tren velóz de pasajeros con su llegada a la ciudad. Muchas situaciones pasan en este nuevo “Montevideo como ciudad modelo”, los invito a que las encuentren mediante estas palabras clave: El Río de la Plata; la llegada del tren; la cadena de distribución de los muebles de ambientes; el autocinema; el triquel de accesos; mi casamiento; el barco a paletas con energía solar; la isla parque; la reforma de la calle Rondeau; arena en la playa Capurro; reformulación y reorganización del puerto con ayuda de la tecnología.

212 pizza

Murals designed and installed from scratch. The first mural, the inspiration came from the phrase created in order to promote this new amazing Pizza place in Pembroke Pines. "Image a world were the pizza slices fall from the sky and the wins grown from the ground so you can serve yourself... This day has no come yet. But, in the meantime, you have us..."

The second mural, the inspiration came from the mix of a powerful and well known phrase and the unconditional love for pizza slices all over America in order to promote this new amazing Pizza place in Pembroke Pines.

3D Panic Room

3D mural designed and installed upon specific requests of the client. The main thing in this kind of murals is to make all the lines match from one specific point of view independently from the different surfaces in which the mural was placed.

Acu Signs

Company mural to Acolite Claude United Sign. This complex mural was created to represent the company across all its warehouse facade, as well as the lateral wall, and its front fence, creating an atmosphere of hard work and commitment to the product they deliver to its clients.

Delano Hotel

Neon mural, homage to Jimi Hedrix, U.V. reactive paintings on drywall


Private collector, customized mural "path through London". Acrylic latex on stucco wall.

Quarantine Mural

Quarantine mural during my stay in Uruguay. Acrylic on blocks wall.

Quarantine mural - Tero protector
A Wave from the Past

Tribute Mural Contest in Miami Beach, chosen to be the first artist to make a mural across Washington Ave, as well as the biggest (4000 Sq/Ft) in the whole city. Tributing celebrities that forged the identity of the Miami Beach in the XX century. Portraying Jayne Mansfield, Gianni Versace, Muhammad Ali, Jackie Gleason and Prince; and employing 3D techniques in specific "Hot Spots" across the mural installation.